Mindless travel offends me deeply . When guides march ahead with a sign to follow; it frustrates me no end when they dictate what time we’ll leave, what order we’ll see things in and tell us what is good for us – when really all it is is good for them, because that’s the way they ALWAYS do it. it is inexcusable when travel companies don’t recognise the needs of the individual and treat you like tens of thousands of sheep that came there before you.
This is not tourism, it’s herding.
It is mindless money making, absenteeism on holiday, its beige, vanilla, route. It deters you from exploring, it dismisses curiosity and dulls cultural diversity.
Several years ago I left the travel industry. I’d worked in hotels, restaurants, airlines and tour companies. I was despondent, saddened by the quick grab for a dollar; the overuse of poorly paid locals making money for multinationals; the lack of ethics of conscientiousness for the environment or the individual. I re-entered the work, believing that tourism can make a difference and that tourism can be done differently.
Surely, there were enough people in the world that could travel together as a group, and remain switched on, individual and conscientious. I could make a business like that work.
Yes, looking after people on a personal level is more time consuming. Travelling with smaller groups on one-off tour programs is labour intensive and less profitable. But, giving back to locals in places that still exude charm and character, means more to me than anything else.
Dark Sky Traveller is for those without the tick-a-list mindset for travel. It’s for people wanting an experience.